All games mentioned in this site are copyright (c) of their respective owners. No breach of copyright is intended through the use of the games names and related materials. Should any of the copyright holders object to any of their material being used in this site, please contact me at and I’ll be happy to remove it.
The design and layout of The Ultimate Shining Force Guide are copyright (c) 1996-2018 Mariska “Moogie” Nielsen. Please ask before you use anything from this site for your own site.
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sega, Camelot Software Planning, Climax Entertainment, Working Designs or any other company associated with the Shining Force series of games. The views expressed within this site do not represent the views of said companies.
Site Usage
This site (and the contents thereof) is for personal use only and is not to be duplicated in any way, shape or form without prior written permission from myself (Moogie). You have permission to print or save files from this web site for your own personal use, however such copies are not to be distributed. “Distributed” includes (but is not limited to): sale, hire, giving as incentive to buy (eg, bonus with an auction/sale) and publishing of the copies. If in doubt about the way in which you are using copies this site, please contact me.
The links contained within this site open in new windows, and for the most part are not affiliated with this site (with the exception of my own sites). The links are provided to assist fans of the Shining Force series in locating sites relevant to their requirements, however, should any of the website owners object to their site’s mention, they may contact me via email to request removal.
While every care is taken to ensure that dead links are removed, no guarantees can be made as to the availability of linked sites, as they are not maintained or hosted by The Ultimate Shining Force Guide (unless otherwise stated). The Ultimate Shining Force Guide takes no responsibility for the content of linked sites, but will endeavour to remove any sites that become unsuitable or irrelevant. The Ultimate Shining Force Guide cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss (to computer equipment, software or otherwise) as a result of using the hyperlinks on this website. All files within The Ultimate Shining Force Guide (“within” meaning “hosted at”) are certified to be virus free, using the Norton Antivirus(TM) software.
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Some of the content within The Ultimate Shining Force Guide is generated by site users (such as the message boards). While every care is taken to ensure that this content is appropriate, unoffensive and not in violation of any laws, the moderation of these facilities is a manual process and no guarantees as to the content of such can be made. Appropriate actions will be taken against users posting such content. The views within these areas of the site do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ultimate Shining Force Guide. The Ultimate Shining Force Guide cannot be held responsible for the content of such areas of the site.
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Guarantee of Service
Usage of this site is free to all (but I’m happy to take donations *grins*), and as such no guarantee of service is offered. There may be times when the site is inaccessible for one reason or another. There may be times that The Ultimate Shining Force Guide doesn’t get updated for a prolonged period. Deal with it 🙂 This site may vanish without warning (but it’s unlikely) or move somewhere else altogether. I’ll always endeavour to announce any planned outages or moves, but again no guarantees are made.
I think that’s about all 🙂
If you feel that part of this notice is unfair/wrong/ambiguous/illegal, or have any feedback/recommendations on it at all, do let me know. I’ve written this all myself (maybe I should have referred to some guides or something…) so it’s possible I’ve missed something, or made mistakes.