Chapter 7 – The Lost Civilization

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Chapter 7 begins in the town of Prompt, where you can replenish your supplies and visit the church should you need to. To progress you need to locate the castle, which can be accessed to the bottom right of the map, down a cliff staircase and into a small building with just has a staircase inside it. This underground building is the castle! Locate the throne room and speak with the King, who will throw you in prison – search the bars to be rescued by Boken. Now speak to the King again and go through the back of the throne room and to the lower left to find Kane who is in bed, injured and wanting to talk with you. After you’ve spoken with him, leave the castle. Before leaving Prompt be sure to head back to the large building with a small white sign between its two doors – search the sign to recruit Musashi, a powerful Samurai, to the Force. Once you’re ready for battle, leave Prompt and make your way to the Tower of the Ancients

Battle 22

Shining Force Battle Map #22

To the Tower of the Ancients

Goal: Defeat the Minotaur or enter the Tower of the Ancients


Durahan (B)32203932136
Durahan (C)12204432136
Torch Eye22804232276

Tower of the Ancients

Inside the tower you can find Devil Lance and Turbo Pepper in chests, then proceed outside to the battle your way up the tower.

Battle 23

Shining Force Battle Map #23

Tower of the Ancients

Goal: Defeat the Demon Master

Be sure to search the chest in this battle to obtain the Valkyrie – the game’s most powerful spear. The Demon Master will drop the Demon Rod when defeated so be sure to have an empty item slot on the character who deals the finishing blow!


Torch Eye32804232276
Steel Claw42504331315
Ice Worm530124025265
Demon Master (B)127465224506

Tower of the Ancients

When you reach the top of the tower you’ll meet Alef and Torasu, who will join the Force. Head upstairs to encounter Darksol getting his plans unexpectedly thwarted. Now it’s time to return to Prompt.


Head to the castle and speak with the King, who will give you the Sword of Darkness and tell you how to reach the Shining Path. Leave via the stairs in the throne room and go around the back of the stairwell to the door behind the two pillars, up through the central passage, down the stairs and continue upward to the door with the eye symbol on it. Stand by the door and use the Orb of Light to open the way to the Shining Path – step on the blue portal to travel to Metapha.


Go to the right in Metapha and you’ll find a pool where you can stand on the eye symbol and use the Orb of Light to speak to the Spirit of the Holy Spring who will tell you about the Chaos Breaker. Now speak to Adam, the robot standing to the left of the pool and he’ll lead you to a cutscene with Chaos, a robot reprogrammed for evil! Adam will join the Force and you’ll have to defeat Chaos and his robotic minions…

Battle 24

Shining Force Battle Map #24


Goal: Defeat Chaos

This is a good battle for grinding, as robots yield a good level of experience and it’s a relatively compact battle.


Torch Eye42804232276
Ice Worm430124025265
Demon Master (B)327465224506


After the battle, go into the Shrine which has now opened at the top of the map, where you’ll find a pool and a pair of altars. You can speak to the Spirit of the Holy Spring here by standing on the eye icon jutting into the pool and using the Orb of Light, as usual. In this Shrine you will combine the Sword of Light and Sword of Darkness into the legendary Chaos Breaker, by using the Sword of Light at the White Altar (left) and Sword of Darkness at the Black Altar (right). But first, there is a potential glitch you can exploit (many thanks to Grochek1 for sharing this information with me!) to strengthen Max if you so wish, by having him equipped with the Black Ring but not cursed! Before placing the swords on the altars, you can equip Max with both the Sword of Darkness and the Black Ring – he will be cursed for now but once you place the Sword of Darkness at the Black Altar, the curse will be removed with the Black Ring still equipped! Pick up the Chaos Breaker which appears on the central altar and equip it, making sure to keep the Black Ring equipped too if you wish to exploit the glitch. Once you have the Chaos Breaker, head up into the next room which has just opened, and stand on the eye symbol to speak with the Spirit of the Holy Spring before returning to Prompt through the blue portal to the right of this room.


Go to speak with the King again and leave town to make your way to Runefaust.

Battle 25

Shining Force Battle Map #25

To Runefaust

Goal: Defeat the Armed Skeleton defending the gate


Armed Skeleton53606233325
Demon Master (A)227464324456
High Priest (B)120333914136

Runefaust Gate

After the battle, enter the gate with Max, to proceed to the final chapter…