The Shining Force: Tao

Japanese:Ta-o (translated: Tao)
Class:Mage (MAGE)
Promotion:Wizard (WIZD)

Tao is a pink-haired female elf with pointy ears, green clothing and hair-band with a ponytail. She joins you when you leave Guardiana castle for the first time after talking to the king. Tao’s line in underclothing is discovered after the fight in Bustoke Quarry. Enter the cave where you will find the Moonstone in the chest but on the way out why not search the bottom left wall (facing down) of this little cave. Chances are you’ll find a Bikini that Tao’s battle icon will wear whenever she carries it.

Tao is a useful spellcaster but leave her behind even on one fight and she’ll soon fall behind. She has higher maximum stats than Anri. Work with her from the beginning and you won’t regret it, her Blaze lv4 is something really worth seeing!

Tao, Mage of the Shining Force
Tao, Mage of the Shining Force Tao, Wizard of the Shining Force Tao in the Bikini

Statistics & Growth

Initial Statistics

11178485Wooden Staff

The graphs below show the growth rate of this character’s statistics throughout the game, starting at level 1 (level 1 stats are based on growth rate if the character joined at any other level). Please note that the charts are based on a standard game, in which no extra training is given to any characters. The growth may vary with extra training, and even from game to game, due to the random level-ups.

Base Class:
After Promotion:

Approximate Start/End Stats

Base Class10/2207/4104/1104/15


Stat increases at a steady rate.

Stats begin high, growing quickly at first, then slowing down.

Stats begin low, growing slowly at first, then rapidly increasing.

Stats begin high, growing quickly, then levelling off before a final quick increase.

Stat does not apply to this character.


Mage (MAGE) Class Weapons

Can also be equipped following promotion

Wooden Staff
ATT +4
No special notes
Power Staff
ATT +12
No special notes

Wizard (WIZD) Class Weapons

Can only be equipped following promotion

Guardian Staff
Attack +18
No special notes
Demon Rod
Attack +35


Below is a list of the spells learned by this character, and at which level (in total, including levels gained before promotion) the character needs to be for the spell level to increase.

Note: promotion adds 1 to their total level.

Burns enemies with flames
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Puts enemies to sleep
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Prevents enemy magic
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Increases attack
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
